All lives matter !

Hi beautiful people, it’s so nice to be able to speak to you guys again, how has everyone been?

It’s been a long time! 

Before anything I just want to tell you guys that I have missed you so much and I have missed writing to you guys a lot! My laptop has been broken and I just haven’t been in the right mind-frame I guess its okay to take a break sometimes !

So as always,  I’m here to update you guys on my life journeys and to let you guys know what I have been up to, how  my life has been for me and the new lessons that I have learned … before I start I just have something to address to you guys. 
I’m not perfect and I never will be… I have a lot of flaws and I guess I always will because I’m a human, just like you :)

I’m here to share my thoughts and feelings and most especially for those that can relate so that they don't feel alone. I’m not a guru or anyone special to you … I’m just me and to me I’m perfect.

I want to start by saying that you are beautiful. Uniquely and beautiful in your own way. You are more than your flaws, your fears and your obstacles. You are a combination of who you were created to be before  being born and combination of your surroundings and life challenges on earth.
You are also combinations of your dreams and accomplishments and aspirations but most especially a combination of your thoughts.  
One thing I have learned lately which I’m particularly going to emphasise on is that your life actually matters.

Read the sentence again.
Your  life matters

It might sound silly to say but I have realised that many wealthy ladies including myself ‘know’ that our lives does matter, but we don’t act or carry ourselves like our lives matter at all. We indulge in risky behaviours that show and prove that we really do not like and cherish ourselves and even though in our minds we believe that our life’ may matter’ to someone we don’t act like our lives matter to US personally 

This has been a major challenge for me. I have personally been going through some deep and serious issues. Emotionally, physically and mentally.

There are days when like you, I don’t want to get out of bed and I won’t get out of bed. Like many of you, I waste my days. I lay in bed doing nothing and barely moving and just lay there feeling  sorry for myself because sadness, depression and low self-worth does cripple in some days and today was one of those days.

But your life still matters a lot.

Your life still matters not because your parents and friends need you around or because you want to prove people wrong or because you want to pretend to be happy.

Your life matters because you  are the owner of your life.  It matters because you  are on  earth because you  have a purpose and you  need to make your self proud first.  Honestly, I have learned that the only person on earth that really and truly matters is yourself and the only one that will 
entirely    be proud of you,  your accomplishments and how far you have come without thinking of their lives or compare their lives to your is yourself.

'It's just how it is. It's human nature'

The people you love will leave you. Yes people love but you will never find someone who loves you more than you are able to  love yourself. Someone who will stick around and fully understand you like you can do with yourself.

Because people have their own life to live and their own worries to deal with.
It’s just how it is

You might be a priority but never important enough as their well being or their success. You will be surprised to know that many people will rather choose their happiness and wellbeing over being with you and that is just the honest truth and  this is why my dear you must really and truly love and care about yourself more than anyone and anything on this earth. For your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others around you.

No one will love you like you deserve to be loved because you don’t even know what you deserve

Lately, I’ve had a lot of people that I could have sacrificed everything for disappoint me. It’s crazy how quickly people will give up or get fed up of you and this is why you must learn to stand on your own and love absolutely everything about yourself your space and your own company.

 Love your wellbeing and happiness and once you do, you will find the happiness that you truly deserve. You will finally feel like after such a long time you are happy and you are alive again.

One thing I will leave you with today is that your life is more important than anything. More than the people around you and more than your partner or the people you love and genuinely care about. Your life, happiness and wellbeing surpasses all… once you learn  to love and cherish yourself for yourself you will realise that your life really is important and you will no longer be afraid to live it. Your flaws will no longer be thrown at you because of how beautifully you have learned to accept them. In fact they won’t feel like flaws anymore, they will only feel like a part of you. A beautiful part of you that other people may be trying to point out but that because of how at peace you are won’t even feel. You will find a peace that surpasses all ‘

Night night ladies



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