Love and the importance of self-love


Hello beauties and welcome all to today’s reading. I hope everybody is having a wonderful day, it is currently raining here which makes it very hard to do so lol… Today I wanted to share a very important message with all of you as well as where my head has been at for the past few weeks and some thoughts and feelings that have now been lingering for a while.
My message for today is going to be about love and the importance of self-love. Love. Love is a very complex word due to the fact that different people have different definitions for it. For all my religious people out there, the bible teaches us in 1 John 4:8 that God is love. It even goes on explaining what love is in the book of 1st Corinthians 13; 4-8  stating that love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it isn’t proud, it does not dishonour others, it  is not self-seeking , it is not easily angered and keeps records of no wrongs. The Ten Commandments also teach us that we should love others like ourselves and that it is the greatest commandments of all.  For those of you that are not religious, the definition of love according to the dictionary is ‘a strong feeling of affection towards an individual or something’. Why does all this matter you ask?
It all matters because the terminology love leads to the concept of self-love. We need love to survive, all of us got into this world through love,   the love of a woman which enabled her to endure kinds of all pains, carry us for nine months and conceive us. Our entire world is based on love but what happens when we do not have self-love?
Have you ever heard the say ‘if you don’t love yourself nobody else will’ I partly agree with that, however I do believe that in life, we can meet really good people, people that will see the perfection in us even when we do not and people that can help us overcome obstacles, see the beauty in ourselves and pull us out of our mess (which is mostly what us ladies dream of). What happens if we never get to meet that person?
A quote from Frank Ocean that I found particularly interesting is ‘Whatever you do, never run back to what broke you’. As women  whenever we are faced with situations that bring us down  or  have brought us down so  many times we tend to look for a place of ‘love’ a place of  safety and  comfort at all costs, we even go as far as to the extent of going back to what originally broke us and brought us down  such as an ex, casual sex, drugs maybe, toxic people and friendships and even settle for a relationship we don’t want and are not happy in just to fill the void, to avoid loneliness and to escape our own thoughts and feelings
Many of us ladies want and need validation from a man or from another party to feel a sense of joy entitlement and confidence and it should not be so!

We must learn the importance of loving ourselves because it is the only efficient way of staying healthy, staying alive and being able to love somebody else in a HEALTHY way.
Oh dear! I have so many stories to share with you ladies regarding the importance of self-love and how it has personally changed my life (which I will speak more about in the future) however I am still learning and I am still having to pick up the   broken pieces every single day due to the consequences of learning this later rather than earlier. Ladies our body, soul and spirits are very important and if we do not eradicate negative energies it can cost us absolutely everything, from our happiness, to our health and even our lives; for all my young readers out there I cannot stress to you enough about how you must love yourself before attempting to love anyone else. Do not wait for a guy to fill your voids, please! And for all of us who still have not learned, it is never too late! As long as there is life there is hope.

So what is the moral of the story?
The moral of the story for today is
1.       You are the most important person in your life.
2.       Your needs should come before everyone and anybody else’s

3.       If you cannot love yourself, work on finding something you love to do and surround yourself with positivity and positive people. (Surround not depend!)
